Sunday, March 24, 2013


During my studying years, I often spent a lot of time during my exam preparations thinking about what I would do in the holidays that came after the exam got done. It used to be a big distraction and I had to consciously guide my mind back to the book. The tragedy, of course, is that I pretty much never ended up accomplishing even a tiny chunk of those grand plans.

As a kid this wasn't expensive. I mean yeah, I was wasting valuable time. By Gods grace I don't think I ever wasted enough time to jeopardize myself. But as I grew older and started working, this tendency morphed into something else. The desire to basically do something else "interesting" than my routine work life is omnipresent. I generally don't bite off more than I can chew, but what I've been chewing into lately no longer comes free.

Take photography for instance. I felt I'm genuinely interested. After using my brother-in-law's DSLR on a trip to New Zealand, I convinced myself that I needed one and that I could inculcate that as a good hobby. However my efforts to back up the purchase have been dismal at best. I mean I took a class to learn the basics. The class had assignments and I genuinely learnt from them. But on a lazy weekend when I have ample opportunity to take the camera out for a photo-walk, I never get off the couch. What good is the DSLR to me if it's most frequent users are my friends who actually use it to do a lot of creative work.

If I start compiling a list, it is non-trivial ... just to name a few

1. The software that I bought to learn Spanish
2. The books that I bought to prepare for GMAT
3. A hardbound copy of the Iliad that I bought after watching Troy ... what was I thinking here!

Motivation is hard to come by ... It is even harder to hold on to I guess. This blog for example. I kicked it off over a year ago with a fancy title and the promise to use this as a channel to vent out my thoughts. I confess that in reality, it was just to give me writing practice for GMAT. But once I dropped the ball on GMAT, I automatically let go of this awesome avenue. 

I get really ticked off when I sit down and analyze everything like this.

Marathi mansaa jagaa ho!!!!!!!



  1. A beautiful model is on her way ready to pose for you :) So get out that camera and start practicing!

  2. I hope this time it isn't writing practice for GMAT. Write for your own pleasure; if it gives you pleasure.

  3. Well, I guess everyone has this list which was "I'll do something exciting" and which turned into "stacked in a corner, buried in cupboard, what was I thinking" :))) I'm surprised that gym memberships, swimming classes dint make it to ur list.

    Btw, I wudve changed last line to Marathi manus chill Mara ;)))
